
 NCSS Content Standards:

2b. Identify and use key concepts such as chronology, causality, change, conflict, and complexity to explain, analyze, and show connections among patterns of historical change and continuity.

3h. Examine, interpret, and analyze physical and cultural patterns and their interactions, such as land use, settlement patterns, cultural transmission of customs and ideas, and ecosystem changes.



Early Human Migration Map

Throughout history, humans migrated around the world.  Use the interactive map below to get familiar with the patterns of migration.  As you progress through this webpage, you will learn about the lifestyles of the earliest people and why they migrated.


Early Human Migration Interactive Map


Earliest Humans' Way of Life

The earliest humans were nomads who traveled from place to place in search of resources.  These nomads were known as hunters and gatherers.  Below are two articles related to each lifestyle, read them both and bullet notes in the table given to you.




Hunting and Gathering Table 


Neolithic Revolution

The Neolithic Revolution transformed the way people lived their lives in approximately 10,000 B.C. with the invention of farming.  No longer did people have to live a nomadic lifestyle in constant search for food.  Below, is an article explaining the many changes that took place because of the Neolithic Revolution.  Read the article and complete the advertisement below. 


Neolithic Revolution


Neolithic Advertisement 


From Farming to Civilizations


After farming was invented, many of the world's great ancient civilizations that we will learn about in this class were established. While farming allowed people to set up permanent civilizations, people still migrated and trade routes were set up.  One of the greatest trade routes in history was the Great Silk Road.  On the Great Silk Road, the movement of goods and ideas occurred.  People from civilizations all over Europe, Asia and Africa met on these trade routes.  Below is a map of the trade routes connecting to the Great Silk Road and the Great Silk Road itself.



The link below leads you on a virtual tour of some of the major locations on the Great Silk Road.  Complete the tour, stop at each location, and learn about what made each city unique.  Also, the tour will uncover some of the great ideas and goods that were shared on this trade route.


Virtual Tour of the Great Silk Road