Ancient Roman Achievements/Contributions

NCSS Content Standards:

1c. Explain and give examples of how language, literature, the arts, architecture, other artifacts, traditions, beliefs, values, and behaviors contribute to the development and transmission of culture.

2c. Identify and describe selected historical periods and patterns of change within and across cultures, such as the rise of civilizations, the development of transportation systems, the growth and breakdown of colonial systems, and others.


Below is a webquest that will have you examine the many achievements of the Ancient Romans.  Complete the webquest below, as well as, the concluding activity.






Ancient Rome is one of the most glorious civilizations in history.  Its reputation has stood the test of time and evidence of the great empire are present in today's world.  The achievements in government, engineering, technology and medicine set the foundation for the modern world.




The world needs your help!  It seems that the world has suffered from a terrible case of amnesia and has forgotten our modern ways of life.  All aspects of medicine, government, technology and engineering have been lost.  It is up to you to go back in time to the Ancient Roman Empire using this time machine and explore this great empire.  While there, take notes in your travel log so you can teach the world about the great ideas the Romans contributed to society.  You will only have 3 days to complete your journey before the United Nations will have a summit on what they should do to solve this crisis.  If back in time, you will be able to present what you have found at the summit and help save the world!  Good luck, the world is counting on you.  Don't forget your travel log below.


Travel Log




Since you only have three days to complete your journey and get back in time for the summit, you must work efficiently.  Remember, you will need time to put together your presentation for the summit.


Day 1:  Government


Anarchy has crippled the world as all foundations of government are lost.  Inspect the Ancient Roman government and write down their government's structure and ideas in your travel log.  Also, in your log, write down suggestions for aspects of the Roman government you would like to change and they will be discussed at the summit too.



Day 2:  Engineering/Technology

Roman aqueducts were just one of the major achievements of the empire. Below are links to many engineering achievements of the Ancient Romans. Take notes in your travel log so you can share them at the summit.


Now that you have learned about the many engineering accomplishments, construct a Roman aqueduct below.  Water is the most basic of needs, try your best.

Construct an Roman Aqueduct



"All roads lead to Rome" is a famous quote describing the Roman Empire.  Below is a link about Roman roads, read it and gather information.  A road system would be very important for our world.



Day 3:  Medical Advancements

Roman medical achievements are another valuable piece of information that should be brought back in order to help repair the world from its current chaos.  Explore the links below to gather information about the medical advancements the Romans made.



Ok, thats all the time you have, hurry back and begin your presentation! 



You are back just in time.  Now, using the information in your travel log create a power point presentation for the summit.  The world is anxiously awaiting what you have to say.  Below, is the rubric for the presentation.  Good luck!

